65+ Unique Going-Away Gifts They’ll Remember Forever

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Gift-giving can be a little stressful sometimes, especially when it’s a goodbye gift!

But with a few tips and ideas, giving a going-away gift doesn’t have to add to your stress of saying goodbye—it can actually produce oxytocin and foster a deeper connection in your relationship!

In this article, we’ll look at what makes a good going-away gift, the science and benefits of gift-giving, a few tips to make the process easier, and 65+ going-away gift ideas!

What Are Good Going-Away Gifts?

Good going-away gifts are thoughtful gifts you give friends, family, or colleagues when they are making a life transition to a new city, new job, or new stage of life. Going away gifts can also be given from the person who is going away, especially when they want to show gratitude to someone they are leaving behind.

What makes a going-away gift good is the intentional thought you put behind it to make it meaningful and memorable.

The best goodbye gifts include a thoughtful message, an inside joke, or personal memory. Consider these various factors to personalize the gift:

  • The person’s impact on your life. How have they made your life better?
  • Where they are going. What’s exciting about what’s next for them?
  • Where they are coming from. What’s a valuable memory to look back on?
  • Their interests and likes. What’s unique to who they are?

Does putting this much thought into a gift make a difference to the recipient? Yes!

Here’s why. Think about the best gift you’ve ever received. What made it meaningful to you? It might not have been the most expensive thing you’ve received. Rather, you probably remember it because it was thoughtful, expressed gratitude or love, and showed you support.

65+ Going-Away Gift Ideas

It may be overwhelming to try to think of the best goodbye gift, but we’ve curated a list of ideas for all kinds of categories to help get your juices flowing and make a great choice!

Practical going-away gifts

  1. Home state cutting board

If someone is leaving their home state, give them a piece of home with a home state cutting board like this one!

Home State Cutting Board as a going away gift
  1. Throw blanket

Throw blankets are not only practical but also a fun way to give someone a “hug” from a distance, especially with a “very big hug” throw blanket like this one!

“Very big hug” throw blanket as a going away gift
  1. Local guidebook

If the person you’re saying goodbye to is moving into a new city, one fun gift idea is to get them a local guidebook for things to do, places to see, and restaurants to try in their new home.

There are even some unique guidebooks based on certain interests; for example, the best places to get a donut in New York!

Local guidebook "the best places to get a donut in New York" as a going away gift
  1. Funny socks

Socks are among some of the most practical gifts you can get someone. They also make a fun going-away gift because you can play on the idea that they are “walking a new path” and need to take care of their feet along the way! You can customize them or make them funny with a personal twist.

Is the person moving to Austin, Texas? Get them taco socks.

Is the person retiring? Get them golf socks.

Does the person have a corgi? Get them corgi socks.

You can also get them Bombas socks because, for every pair purchased, they donate a pair to those in need!

Bombas socks as a going away gift

Funny going-away gifts

  1. Your face on (almost) anything

Do you want someone to remember you and get a good laugh? Put your face on something like a pillow, sticker, or magnet! (Your options are plentiful, actually!)

Face stickers as a going away gift
  1. “My life will suck without you” succulent

A succulent plant is a funny/punny way to say “my life will suck without you.” Play it up with a succulent gift basket to make it extra special!

Succulent gift basket "my life would suck without you" as a going away gift
  1. Donuts with a pun “I donut want to say goodbye”

Who doesn’t love a good pun? Make someone smile with donuts and a punny card that says, “I donut want to say goodbye. I’m going to miss you a hole lot.”

Punny donut card “I donut want to say goodbye” as a going away gift
  1. Custom bobblehead

If you want to go for an extra laugh with your goodbye gift, and you’re willing to spend a little extra for it too, one fun idea is to create a custom bobblehead of yourself, so your friend can never forget you!

Custom bobblehead as a going away gift

Sentimental going-away gifts

  1. Homesick candles

Homesick candles with a scent that reminds someone of home make great sentimental gifts for someone who may be feeling nostalgic.

Homesick Texas candle as a going away gift
  1. Spices from home

Leaving home can also mean leaving behind some of your favorite flavors. One sentimental gift idea is a gift box of spices that reminds someone of home, like this one featuring flavors from Chicago!

Spices from home as a going away gift
  1. Open when letters

Open when letters are letters you write before you say goodbye and gift in a bundle for someone to open at times when a note from you would be encouraging, for example, when they’re stressed, bored, need a pep talk, need a hug, sad, or need a laugh.

Open when letters as a going away gift
  1. Pop-out photo album

Who doesn’t love reminiscing over photos with friends? Pop-out photo albums are a great sentimental going-away gift idea for those you love.

Pop-out photo album as a going away gift

Last-minute going-away gifts

  1. I’ll miss you “a latte” coffee gift card

Coffee gift cards for coffee lovers are always great gifts. Paired with a cute pun and a sweet note about how you’ll miss someone “a latte” is a fun and thoughtful last-minute going-away gift.

I’ll miss you “a latte” coffee gift card as a going away gift
  1. Back-and-forth journal

A back-and-forth journal adds an extra element of interaction between friends and family members. Most popular among mothers and daughters, these journals can be used in any close relationship. They include prompts for each person to respond to individually, and then pass to their friend to read and answer too. It can be a great way to stay connected when you’re apart!

  1. Gift cards to support a move

A gift card for gas, movers, restaurants, or other essentials is a practical, last-minute gift idea that can help cover the cost of an often expensive move.

Gift cards to support a move as a going away gift
  1. “A warm hug” aroma therapy

A microwavable neck wrap or neck pillow paired with their favorite essential oil scent is a sentimental way to send someone off with a hug.

“A warm hug” aroma therapy microwavable neck wrap or neck pillow as a going away gift

Inexpensive going-away gifts

  1. State keychain

If someone is moving to another state, give them a state keychain to remind them of their home.

State keychain as a going away gift
  1. Personalized playlist

There are two great things about creating a playlist. They are thoughtfully curated by you and they are essentially free to create on programs like Spotify. Make it extra special by putting your playlist code or special song on a keychain, like this one!

Personalized playlist as a going away gift
  1. Custom crossword puzzle

For the game lovers out there, a custom crossword created by you, including words from your inside jokes and memories, is a fun and free gift idea. Use a crossword generator to customize yours to your liking!

Custom crossword puzzle as a going away gift
  1. Gratitude plant

Gratitude plants are a fun and affordable way to remind someone that you care! These are fun options for people who enjoy plants or gardening. Bonus: they can also be pretty punny too, like this tomato plant with a message on it that says, “Grateful for you from my head to-ma-toes!”

Gratitude plants as a going away gift

DIY going-away gifts

  1. Jar of notes

A jar of notes is a great way to share encouragement with someone when they may need a pick me up down the road. This is an affordable gift you can create on your own. All you need is a jar, paper, a pen, and a little time to write your notes! Otherwise, you can also get a premade jar of notes like this one.

Jar of notes as a going away gift
  1. Punny gift basket

Put together a punny gift basket with different items to show how much you’re going to miss someone. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Ketchup. “Let’s ketchup soon!”
  • Blue Gatorade. “I’ll be blue without you.”
  • Ice cream gift card. “Thanks for being so cool.”
  • Lip balm. “You’re the balm!”
  • Suckers/lollipops. “My life will suck without you.”
  • Bottle of wine. “I said I wouldn’t cry, so I’ll just wine.”
  • Oranges. “Orange you going to miss me?”
Punny gift basket with a ketchup card that says “Let’s ketchup soon!” as a going away gift
  1. Photobook

Create a photobook to cherish all your memories together! Many platforms help you do this easily with ready-to-use templates. The templates provided by Mixbook are a great choice!

Photobook with templates provided by Mixbook as a going away gift

Cute going-away gifts

  1. Merci chocolates and notes

Say thank you or “merci” with merci chocolates and a sweet thank you note to show how much you appreciate someone.

Photo credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2462974787922435/

  1. Creative Photo Art

This cute and creative art print based on your photo is a sweet gift idea to remind someone how much you care about them.

Cute and creative art print based on your photo as a going away gift
  1. Personalized M&Ms

M&Ms are many people’s favorite candy, but one thing that can make them better? Personalization. Yup, that’s right. Did you know you can personalize your M&Ms? Put your own well wishes on your M&Ms to put a smile on someone’s face.

Personalized M&Ms as a going away gift
  1. Winnie the Pooh Art

Can you get much cuter than Winnie the Pooh? This print with a quote from Winnie the Pooh is a sweet choice for a cute goodbye.

Print with a quote from Winnie the Pooh as a going away gift

Personalized going-away gifts

  1. Personalized calendar

Like a personalized photobook, a photo calendar uniquely reminds someone how you feel about them all year! And it’s practical too. Shutterfly is another great option with plenty of templates to choose from!

Personalized calendar as a going away gift
  1. Night sky art

Night sky art is such a unique, thoughtful way to remember a significant moment in your life, like the time you first met or the day something significant happened in your relationship. Remember that moment with night sky art showing you what the sky looked like on that very night!

  1. Personalized picture pendant jewelry

Picture pendant jewelry is extra special because even though it looks like regular jewelry when you get up close and look through it, you can see a photo of one of your favorite memories, making it a great going-away gift for someone special.

Personalized picture pendant jewelry as a going away gift
  1. Long-distance state art

If the person you’re buying for is moving to another state, one fun gift idea is a long-distance state art piece to remind them that you’ll miss them!

Long-distance state art as a going away gift

Going away gifts for friends

  1. Friendship Lamps

Friendship lamps are a great long-distance going-away gift. These lamps come in pairs. You get one, and so does your friend. When you turn yours on, theirs turns on wherever they are, too! It’s a fun way to remind your friend that you’re thinking about them.

Friendship Lamps as a going away gift
  1. Hometown ornament or mug

Get your friend an ornament to remind them of home whenever they put up their Christmas tree. Not into Christmas? You can do the same thing with a hometown mug.

  1. Friendship bracelet

Friendship bracelets are a classic gift to give your friend a reminder that you love them every time they look down on their wrist. You can make your own or pick up classic designs like these!

Friendship bracelet as a going away gift
  1. Recipe board

Does your friend love a recipe you make? Put your recipe on a personalized recipe cutting board so they can be reminded of you and enjoy something tasty too!

Favorite Coffee Sampler as a going away gift

Going away gifts for teachers

  1. Favorite Coffee Sampler

Pick out your favorite coffee beans from a local seller or get a sampler of coffee from around town.

Custom thank-you ornament as a going away gift
  1. Custom thank-you ornament

Teachers always appreciate a thank-you note. And by putting it on a personalized thank you ornament or charm, you can continually remind them of your gratitude!

Teachers Pay Teachers gift card as a going away gift
  1. Teachers Pay Teachers gift card

Teachers Pay Teachers is a website where teachers can buy and share resources with each other to support one another. A gift card is a great way to help curb a teacher’s often minimal budget, especially if they are transitioning to a new school or classroom.

Self-care package (with gift cards) as a going away gift
  1. Self-care package (with gift cards)

At the end of the year, the gift of self-care is an excellent way to show a teacher you appreciate them. Include some gift cards to common places they like to visit like Target or Starbucks, add in a gift card or two for a spa day, and this will likely be one of the best gifts they receive!

Personalized stationery as a going away gift

Military or deployment going-away gifts (Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard)

  1. Personalized stationery

Being away from home can be tough, so keeping up with friends and relatives during boot camp or deployment is a great way to stay encouraged. A stationery set with pre-stamped envelopes makes keeping in touch a lot easier! Better yet, you can even create personalized stationery directly with USPS!

Custom playing cards as a unique going away gift
  1. Custom playing cards

During deployment, access to the internet may be limited. Doing something fun during downtime, like a game of cards, can be a great way to pass the time. With custom playing cards like these, you can also remind them of home!

Personalized compass as a going away gift
  1. Personalized compass

A compass can be a personal reminder to someone in the military about why they decided to join and the love and support they have back home. Make it personal with an encouraging note or image inside for when they might feel homesick. “So you can always find your way back to me!”

Personalized photo keychain as a going away gift
  1. Personalized photo keychain

With limited access to the internet, having pictures conveniently on a personalized keychain to look at when they’re feeling homesick is a great way to remind them how much you care!

Group Together card as a going away gift

Going-away gifts for coworkers

  1. Group Together card

If you’re trying to figure out how to send a memorable going-away gift from a group, Group Together cards are a great option. They allow you to create a card digitally with messages and photos from your group, and all pitch in on a gift card. You can have the card printed, or you can send it virtually.

65+ Unique Going-Away Gifts They’ll Remember Forever

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